The Countdown to the New Domino and Sametime Begins
Ladies and Gentlemen,
the Launch of HCL Domino v12 and HCL Sametime 11.6 will take place on Monday, June 7, 2021.
HCL Domino is a stable and secure enterprise application platform with a focus on security and low operating costs.
Learn about the advances for developers, business users and administrators that allow everyone to visually create workflows, to run your Notes apps in a browser and to deploy Domino to cloud container platforms such as OpenShift.
HCL Sametime is a proven and trusted instant messaging and conference software designed to work in today’s modern businesses. The software provides highly secure real-time communications through instant messaging, online meetings, audio and video, no matter where you work from – in the office or at home.
Join us live online and get deep insights into the content of HCL Domino v12 and HCL Sametime 11.6.
Here you can register for the event free of charge.
It’s worth it: The first 1200 registered participants will receive a special gift!
If you have questions, do not hesitate to reach out!
Yours sincerely
Your LIS.TEC Team!