Our story - our success

In 1994, the “LIS.TEC GbR” was founded in Ludwigsburg. It is the cornerstone of today’s successful High Value OEM Distributor Company.

Time travel through our history


LIS.TEC und die Heilbronner dataglobal GmbH etablieren eine strategische Technologiepartnerschaft und beschreiten zukünftig gemeinsame Wege bei der Bereitstellung von innovativen Lösungen rund um Datenarchivierung und modernes Arbeiten.


In 2020, LIS.TEC becomes the first OEM distributor for HCL Technologies and MongoDB. As a result, LIS.TEC can now offer a comprehensive OEM software product portfolio beyond IBM products.


Another success is the beginning of 2016, when the LIS.TEC is awarded the IBM Bestseller Award 2015.


At the beginning of 2011, LIS.TEC will again be recognized for its success and competence and will receive the IBM Bestseller Award 2010. In addition, LIS.TEC will be honored for its outstanding contribution to the growth of the IBM software business.


As early as the end of 2009, LIS.TEC has proven its expertise and in-depth know-how in the IBM OEM business and becomes known as the world’s largest High Value Add OEM distributor based on all IBM brands.

2006 - 2008

During 2006, the company is preparing for ISV distribution and related restructuring. Parallel to the sales and company development at the end of 2006, the spatial change and the move to the Villa Marienwahl. Thus, the managing directors set a sign of stability, safety and the tried and tested.

The beginning as IBM ISV Distributor officially follows on 01.01.2008.

2004 - 2005

The company’s success continues as LIS.TEC 2004 becomes an independent training partner of IBM and implements numerous major projects in the portal, SOA and information management sector.

1997 - 2003

The core business is based first on the consulting and project business, as well as on the IT training in the area of ​​information management, in which the LIS.TEC GmbH takes over the market leadership already in the year 1997 by their specialized competence. In addition, LIS.TEC GmbH is also active as an ISV.

In 1998, LIS.TEC achieved IBM Premier Business status and proved to be one of the first IBM resellers. The focus since the beginning has been on cooperation with medium-sized companies.


It is converted to LIS.TEC GmbH


Foundation of LIS.TEC GbR (Civil Society), by Mr. Jens Orhanovic and Mr. Frank Murthum.


The founders of LIS.TEC GmbH, Mr. Jens Orhanovic and Mr. Frank Murthum, are self-employed consultants and developers with extensive, specific know-how.