LIS.TEC is one of the world`s largest High Value OEM distributors for independant software vendors and solution providers. Our portfolio includes the brands IBM Software, HCL Software, Rocket Software, Mongo DB and some handselected partner solutions.
LIS.TEC has more than 27 years of experience as solution provider, in software management, consulting and education business and provides deep knowledge in various kinds of vendor`s software.
We are a specialized intermediate and link between the software manufacturer and the solution provider and offer both sides great synergies and values. We pass on our expertise regarding licensing, project realization, marketing and sales to our solution partners and help them being successful.
LIS.TEC understands both, the business of the solution providers with their specific licensing requirements regarding embedded and bundled software as well as the needs and pain points of the end-customer community.
The LIS.TEC staffed software support division offers comprehensive first- and second level support services, educational sessions and certifications for many products of our portfolio.
All these above value-adds make LIS.TEC to a unique distributor and ideal partner for the solution provider.