
Since the beginning of 2014, we own the Pearson VUE certification license and have since helped many certifiers to successfully complete their certification.

As an official Pearson VUE testing center, we offer you the opportunity to be certified as an internationally recognized expert . For example, you can obtain certificates for the entire range of IBM, Microsoft and NOVELL.

Our Test Center is open every Thursday from 13:30 to 17:00 . Please note the certification rules of the providers  (eg IBM ) and bring along the necessary ID cards .

The registration is done to check on the website of Pearson VUE .

For the payment you need a credit card or a voucher.
IBM will reimburse its partners for the cost of training through the


E-Mail: zertifizierung@listec.de

Telephone: +49 (0) 7141 93 93-0

Contact: Mr. Timo Antwertinger



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